Sidereal Confluence

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Antal spelade matcher: 6
Total speltid: 20 Timmar 20 Minuter
Längsta parti: 4 Timmar
Kortaste parti: 3 Timmar
Sidereal Confluence
Boardgamegeek sidan här
Regelboken finns här
Antal spelade matcher: 6
Total speltid: 20 Timmar 20 Minuter
Längsta parti: 4 Timmar
Kortaste parti: 3 Timmar

Caylion Plutocracy (Difficulty 2): 2 wins in 6 played games. Avarage position: 3.17 of 6
Eni Et Ascendancy (Difficulty 5): 0 wins in 3 played games. Avarage position: 4 of 6.67
Eni Et Engineers (Difficulty 4): 0 wins in 1 played games. Avarage position: 2 of 5
Faderan Conclave (Difficulty 3): 2 wins in 6 played games. Avarage position: 2.83 of 6
ImDril Nomads (Difficulty 4): 0 wins in 2 played games. Avarage position: 4.5 of 6.5
ImDril Grand Fleet (Difficulty 4): 0 wins in 1 played games. Avarage position: 4 of 5
Kit Adhocracy (Difficulty 1): 1 wins in 6 played games. Avarage position: 2.67 of 6
Kjas Directorate (Difficulty 2): 1 wins in 5 played games. Avarage position: 3.8 of 5.8
Unity (Difficulty 5): 0 wins in 3 played games. Avarage position: 5 of 6.67
Deep Unity (Difficulty 2): 0 wins in 1 played games. Avarage position: 5 of 6
Yengii Society (Difficulty 6): 0 wins in 1 played games. Avarage position: 5 of 7
Zeth Anocracy (Difficulty 3): 0 wins in 1 played games. Avarage position: 4 of 7
In 0 times of the cases, played Race is unclear.